
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Feminization Hypnosis - What a Load of Hype

There has been a tremendous hype about feminization hypnosis. This is the idea that a man can hypnotize himself, and Wow! he becomes a woman. Before looking at this idea, it may be worth having a look at what feminization is in the first place.

Feminization is the process of converting a male into a female. This is not as bizarre as it may sound at first. Some animals do this in nature. For example, certain male lizards can become females if there are only males around. Certain species of snails can convert between male, female and hermaphrodite according to the needs at the time.

But changing a mammal -- and in particular a human man -- from one sex to the other seems extreme.

And extreme it can be. Most people have heard of sex-change operations, where a combination of the knife and hormone treatments changes a man into a woman. The change is not complete, of course: With today's technology, only the appearance is changed, as the man cannot conceive or bear children, nor does his brain change (men's and women's brains are indeed wired differently).

However, a man can change his behaviors and mannerisms, his mind-set and, to some degree only, the way he thinks, to the extent that other people will genuinely mistake him for a real woman (assuming that he dresses appropriately).

Of course, such a man would make use of whatever tools he has available, and feminization hypnosis would certainly be one of them. But do not think that a man can go for a single feminization hypnosis session and immediately become a woman in mind. As with all big changes, it takes practice, repetition, and persistence. The man will need to watch real women carefully, do his feminization hypnosis several times, and practice, practice, practice.

It's not magic. That is where the hype can be misleading, for certain hypnotists have made extravagant claims for their hypnosis, even going so far as to claim that a man's body will start to change purely through hypnosis. There is very little evidence that this is true.

But hypnosis is powerful, because the process of feminization hypnosis gets the man's subconscious mind to "play along", making the new behaviors and thought patterns automatic, and seemingly natural. The subconscious mind also has the power to observe other people's behavior at a fine level of detail, and can copy behaviors that the man is not even aware of consciously.

So, a man going through the process (even if he chooses not to go through surgery and hormone treatment) can benefit greatly from feminization hypnosis. But he should beware of the grandiose claims.

Find out more about feminization hypnosis (and its use with fantasy forced feminization)

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Why Do People Smoke Cigarettes?

I have often wondered why people smoke cigarettes. Why would they want to waste so much of their hard earned money on this disgusting habit, a habit which in reality is slowly killing them? To help me to understand the logic of a smoker, I have asked a couple of my friends, who have both been smoking cigarettes for most of their adult lives, to explain to me why they started to smoke all of those years ago.

For governments from around the world to be successful in the quest to get people to quit smoking they really need to understand why people smoke in the first place. It is not just a matter of raising the amount a packet of cigarettes, there are a whole number of social issues to deal with.

Its cool to smoke!

I was taken aback when my friend, whos name is John, stated that he had started smoking cigarettes because he thought that it would make him look cool. How crazy is that?

I smoke when I am feeling stressed or under pressure

My friend Paul gave me the reason that I was expecting, he stated that he smoked mainly when he was stressed or at times when he felt under pressure. Somehow these people need to learn how to deal with stress and pressure without feeling a need to smoke. This is about re-education and again breaking this habitual cycle.

I smoke to be sociable

John then came in with a comment, I like to smoke when I am out with friends, for example when we are having a few drinks in a bar, just to be sociable. Yet another bonkers comment from John. I can not think of anything more unsociable which is one of the main reasons why there is now a smoking ban in the UK.

People now have to realise that to smoke makes them an outcast. It is not cool, it is not sociable and it is very very bad for your health. It is time to start looking for the best way to quit smoking.

Stephen Hill runs The How To Stop Stammering Centre, he has a number of websites including:

stuttering treatment

debt reduction advice

free reflexology chart

What Happens To The Lungs When You Stop Smoking
Acupuncture Depression
Stop Smoking Brighton
Anti Smoking Products
Effects Of Giving Up Smoking
Free Help Kits To Quit Smoking
Acupuncture Free Charts
Smoking Quit Lines
Effects Of Cigarettes Smoking
Quit Smoking Effects