
Monday, September 10, 2007

Mountain Biking: Not Just Down Mountains

Did you know that there are nine categories that mountain biking can be split into? Each category offers the rider a different experience either as a hobby or as a sport. The different mountain bike reviews are broken down into these categories:

1. Dirt Jumping
This style of mountain biking is known for the high jumps over manmade dirt hills. While in the air, tricks are done on the bike. Six or more jumps are usually done in one run and the jumps are close together so that the biker can get a flow going with their trick riding.

2. Cross country
In this style of mountain biking, you ride your bike up and down hills. It is not the most extreme form in the mountain biking world, but most of this type of ride is in great shape due to the long rides.

3. Cyclo cross
This biking category is a cross between mountain and road biking. The riders learn how to race on and off the course, ride obstacles, and go through rivers.

4. Downhill Biking
Racing downhill the fastest is the goal of downhill mountain bikers. The name of the game is extreme and intense riding, to help give the riders maximum excitement and thrills.

5. BMX
This style of mountain biking uses 20-inch wheels. You can very commonly see this kind of bikes at skate parks or areas with dirt jumps. These BMX bikes are made for performing tricks and doing stunts because they have a shorter wheel base and smaller wheels.

6. Trials
The bicycles used in trials do not look anything like mountain bikes. They have 20 or 26-inch wheels and they have smaller, lower frames than mountain bikes. In trials, riders jump their bikes over different obstacles. This kind of biking takes a great deal of practice, focus, and balance.

7. Freeride Biking
This type of mountain biking involves finding a path down the side of the mountain where you can use all of the terrain to do tricks, stunts, etc. This is a very popular competition, because the riders can express themselves.

8. Street and Urban Biking
Manmade obstacles, ledges, and other urban areas are what this type of biking revolves around. They will do great stunts and tricks on these manmade items, too, including grinds and stalls.

9. Single Speed
This kind of biking is done on a bicycle with only one gear and few other components. This is not to be confused with a fixed gear bicycle. The basis behind this kind of biking is simplicity. This helps the pedaling to be more efficient and the bicycle is lighter and has fewer problems mechanically.

Andrew Caxton is a journalist who has written more articles and newsletters on this subject for A website with tips on mountain bike reviews, amongst many related topics.

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Be A Confident Woman At Work

We all have times when we feel nervous and unsure. Here are some practical tips to help you to project a confident image at work.

There are several things you can do to feel more confident:

1) Be prepared. If youre making a presentation to a group or giving a proposal to your boss, youre going to feel more comfortable if youve done your research and practiced in advance. And the more important the issue, the more you need to practice.

2) Surround yourself with supportive people. If you cant avoid negative people at work, you need to develop ways to deflect them. One woman I work with, imagines herself behind an invisible shield that protects her from negative words. That helps when one of her co-workers says things to put her down.

3) Use affirmations. Most of us talk to ourselves. What do you say? Do you tell yourself, That was stupid or Im so dumb! If so, replace those negative phrases with positive ones, such as I am confident and People listen to what I say. It may seem strange the first few times you do it, but positive repetition can help you feel more confident.

4) Remember your strengths. Youve been chosen for a task because you have a certain expertise. If youve been put on a new project that youre unfamiliar with, remember that someone chose you because they believed in your skills and experience. Even though you may not feel confident, there is someone else that believes you can do it.

Its not enough to feel confident; you also need to make sure that you look and sound confident. Here are some tips that can help:

1) Speak up. When people are unsure, they may mumble. Louder voices tend to sound more confident.

2) Slow down. Nervous speakers rush their words so they can finish faster. Confident people speak at a normal rate.

3) Stand or sit up straight. If you slump down in your chair, it can look like you are trying to hide.

4) Make direct eye contact. In some cultures this is not appropriate, however in American culture, looking away can indicate a lack of confidence.

5) Use controlled hand gestures. Pay attention to your hands and make sure youre not using nervous gestures such as playing with your hair or picking at your nails.

6) Use powerful phrases. Use statements such as I will or I can. Dont use hedgers and qualifiers such as, This probably isnt a good idea but or Weve probably already tried this but When you use phrases like that, you are telling people not to listen to you.

7) Observe confident people. Think about the confident people you know. How do they look? What do they do? What do they say? You can observe them and copy what they do. You may even want to set up a time to talk to confident people and ask what their secrets are. Most people are happy to talk about themselves.

Even if you dont feel confident, you can still project a confident image at work by paying attention to how you look and sound. No one needs to know that youre nervous inside. When you think about confidence, just remember the advice from an old commercial tagline, Never let them see you sweat.

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