
Monday, August 27, 2007

A Superbowl Victory

Most people watched the Superbowl out of shear entertainment, while taking it quite seriously at the same time. It gives their fans a sense of comradary and pride. There's nothing like a football game to unite people. Most of them know the rules inside and out and can make the calls quicker than the announcer. This leaves me asking, if so many people can understand this game, why don't they know God's rule book of plays in their own lives?

If more people would put that amount of time and effort that it takes to memorize all the players' statistics, why then can't they learn the statistics that God has given us for our own good? It's very clear that when we learn the proper plays in life as we go up against the opposing team, we will be more than just conquerors, we will be victorious! Everyone loves to have a victory in their life but do little about it.

As the game started out, the Sea Hawks won the kick off and got their first 3 points. I'm not saying that the Sea Hawks are the enemy, they aren't, but in God's world, we all have a very real enemy called Satan. He opposses us at every play. Once he gets his foot in the door, or his first 3 points, it's almost impossible from keeping him from coming all the way in...unless you know what your game plan will be to keep that from happening. Fortuneatly for the Steelers, they did know what to do.

The thing about the Steelers is, not one player acted any better than anyone else. In fact, they all pulled their weight and then some. They pulled together. When pride enters into our lives, the enemy will use that to beat us down. So through team effort, the Steelers came back with a 7 point touchdown and the game just proceeded from there to the Steelers advantage. The Sea Hawks could not over take them after that. But they tried valiantly, just as Satan will do to us. He will use stronger stradegies and hit harder.

In our Christian lives, we need to know without a doubt how we are going to oppose our enemy from taking the game over. Remember; just keep focused!

First of all, as we are new to this walk this is where we need to get all the practice we can get, we are still rookies. It's these rookies that Satan is waiting to recruit back to his team. If you don't stay strong in your game, you will be traded back to him before you know what happened. As any football player knows, his skills and knowledge comes from alot of time and effort put into it, until they know it inside out. It's no different for Christians who want to be at the top of their game either. Since God's Word can be overwhelming at first, we need to gather together with other Christians regularly to learn and to grow. That is why God gives us our coaches. They spur us on, they make us understand the plays to our advantage. The end result is to realize that all of our training is to honor God. The Steelers wanted to make their city of Pittsburgh proud of them also.

If you are serious about being a team player for God, you have to recognize the authority of Christ as your leader. You have to learn to humble yourself and serve Him by serving others. You can no longer be in the center spot light. But just as Big Ben gets most of the attention, he could not have done that one important play without the help of Heinz Ward. We need Christ to partner with us also in order to make our winning touchdowns! We can't do this game without the help of our Christian team players. God gives us pastors, preachers, teachers to talk with us and give us the rules to His game. If the football players didn't listen to their coaches, they would not be playing pro footabll. We must learn to respect the authority of those He puts in our lives. Our time of study and meditation takes alot of practice in order to get it just right. It doesn't all happen over night, or even in one lifetime. But the most important thing to remember is to keep doing what you're doing. It takes dilegence, patience, time, practice, and endurance. It's not a question of ever giving up. Yes, it's a hard road, but it's worth it in the end. Just ask any of the Steelers. They kept their eyes on the prize and now can say the acheived it! And I can't help but believe that they give all the credit to the Lord for their victory. God honors this.

"For whatever is born of God is victorious over the world; and this is the victory that conquers the world, even our faith. Who is it that is victorious over the world but he who believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (who adheres to, trusts in, and relies on that fact)?" 1 Jn.5:4-5 (Amplified)

Life is not all about football, but it does give us a sense of comradery and it also gives us a new insight in which to observe this game. Will you ever watch it the same way now knowing that your own life is based on the same principles?Is your life worth the time and effort of learning the stradegy plays between life and death as much as knowing the rules of a football game? Get determined to make your own touchdowns!

To me, I think football is alot more complicated than learning the True Word of God. At least I know if I make the right moves and do the plays His way, then I am sure to be victorious! I no longer just take it in a passive "whatever" kind of attitude. I am now determined to win!

This reminds me of how passionate people are about their home teams, but where is their passion for Christ? Is it lukewarm? I pray that it isn't because this is what Jesus says about those who are:

"I know your (record of) works and what you are doing; you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth!" Rev. 3:15-16 (Amplified)

What will your scoreboard say when your game is over? Will Christ spit you out or will He embrace you in His loving arms?

To be a winner in God's team is to know you are not a loser!

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